Fear of COVID-19 or fear of cancer – or fear of them both? Impact of recent pandemics on fear of cancer recurrence in cancer survivors
Autor: Dégi László Csaba, Kállay Éva, Flavia Medrea
Publicat de: Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice
An: 2022
Psychosocial Burdens in Cancer Caregivership, an Updated Overview
Autor: Dégi László Csaba
Publicat de: Journal of Thoracic Oncology | IF 20.121
An: 2022
Correlates of fear of cancer progression during COVID-19 in Romania
Autor: Flavia Medrea, Kállay Éva, Dégi László Csaba
Publicat de: Romanian Journal of Medical Practice
An: 2022
On top of that all, now Covid-19, too. A scoping review of specificities and correlates of fear of cancer recurrence in breast cancer patients during COVID-19
Autor: Kállay Éva, Flavia Medrea, Dégi László Csaba
Publicat de: The Breast | 4.380 IF
An: 2022
CANPRIM | Beyond Oncology Into Primary Care Cancer Distress Follow-up Study Among Outpatients
Autor: Dégi László Csaba, Kállay Éva, Flavia Medrea, Aissa Suciu
Publicat de: Journal of Thoracic Oncology | IF 15.609
An: 2021
How body image affects cancer patients’ coping with the disease: based on Williams Lifeskills Programme experiences
Autor: Csilla Száva, Csaba Dégi
Publicat de: Journal of School and University Medicine
An: 2021
Psycho-Oncology in Romania. New perspectives and research directions
Autor: Alexandra Rebeca Mihoc, Valeria-Daniela Pustianu, Dégi László Csaba
Publicat de: Romanian Journal of Medical Practice
An: 2021