ELCC 2022 | CANPRIM: psychosocial burdens, distress and pathways among cancer outpatients in Romania
Dégi László Csaba, PhD, MSW, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, discusses the CANPRIM project, the first nationwide study to build evidence focused on psychosocial burdens, distress and pathways among cancer outpatients in primary care settings in Romania. It will study cancer outpatients most likely to benefit from future cancer distress management interventions, and it will follow them in the illness continuum from beyond oncology into primary care. This interview took place during the virtual European Lung Cancer Congress 2022.
More information here: https://www.vjoncology.com/video/jrc78aqay6k-canprim-psychosocial-burdens-distress-and-pathways-among-cancer-outpatients-in-romania/.